Our film and video collection includes films produced by the Arhoolie Foundation, along with hundreds of hours of informal video shot by Chris Strachwitz. He captured these home videos during travels, at parties, in the midst of backyard barbecues and boucheries. We will be adding to this collection as we continue the process of digitally transferring and sharing clips here and on our YouTube channel.
Guillermo Hernandez Corrido Film
Watch the entire 56 minute film “El Mundo del Corrido de Guillermo Hernandez,” about the late UCLA professor Guillermo Hernandez and his love for Mexican American...
Learn more here...Everything But the Squeak
Everything But The Squeak Directed by Alan Govenar This DVD is now out of print but you can watch the entire video below. Caution: Contains graphic...
Learn more here...Red Alexander Shipwright and Folk Artist – Video
Red Alexander: Shipwright and Folk Artist Directed by Chris Simon The Arhoolie Foundation produced this lovely documentary film about Robert ‘Red’ Alexander, a shipwright and folk...
Learn more here...