
Sullivan Aguillard Interview

Every Christmas my husband Marc Savoy, fiddler Wade Frugé and I would play a Christmas dance and the local Catholic church. Our children would come along and there was always a Santa with a Cajun accent (easily recognizable local farmer) and a gumbo and all the local neighbors would come. It was always such a special, intimate old time church party. At these parties there was always a character whistling, singing songs, old ballads, flirting with everyone. It was Sullivan Aguillard, local ballad singer form Eunice! Of course I had to interview him at his huge, unpainted Acadian farm house. His wife, Yvette, would sing along with him in a shaky octave higher key which gave a strange feel to the songs.

– Ann Savoy

  • Sullivan Aguillard, 1986 00:00
Interviewee: Sullian Aguillard
Interviewer: Ann Savoy
Date: 1986
Location: His Home
Language: English

This is an interview originally recorded for research purposes. It is presented here in its raw state, unedited except to remove some irrelevant sections and blank spaces. All rights to the interview are reserved by the Arhoolie Foundation. Please do not use anything from this website without permission.