
Frontera Collection Project Awarded NEH Grant

The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded the Arhoolie Foundation a three-year $265,000 grant to continue our efforts to digitally preserve and create access to the Frontera Collection of Mexican and Mexican American Recordings. This generous award will allow us to digitize an additional 24,000 recordings, originally captured on 12,000 45-rpm discs, and deliver them to UCLA to be deposited in the digital library system and added to a searchable online database already available to the public.

The NEH has designated this grant a We The People project. We The People is an NEH program recognizing efforts to encourage and enhance the teaching, study, and understanding of American history, culture, and democratic principles. We are honored by the distinction, and excited by the possibilities this grant creates. Still, we remain in urgent need of support. $66,000 of the total award is matching, which means that in order to receive it we need to raise that same amount from non-federal sources. We welcome ideas as to how we can raise those matching funds, and of course, in the words of our late dear friend Archie Green: All donations gratefully received.